Frequently Asked Questions

Simply find us on Shopify App Store with OneMobile. After installing, get back on Shopify Admin and Install app to connect your store to OneMobile.

1. Access OneMobile and select the appropriate theme
2. Manage the app branding and design the layouts with blocks
3. Preview the app before officially going live
4. Preview the app before officially going live
5. Request OneMobile Team for app submission
6. App Review and Launch

After installing OneMobile on the Shopify App Store, choose a plan you want and start your 14-day free trial. You won’t be charged anything during the trial period.

Yes, we do, and we do it for Free. When you are ready to publish your app, live chat with us and we’ll assist you every step of the way.

If you switch from a lower-priced plan to a higher-priced plan, the additional cost is prorated based on the price difference and the remaining days in your billing cycle, as per Shopify’s policies.

Likewise, Shopify offers an application credit for downgrading to a cheaper plan, proportional to the price difference and the days left in your billing cycle.

Don’t find the answer? We can help, contact us at [email protected]